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Two-Face Nomaly
General Information
Full Name Alan Nagelfar Nomaly
Richard Ulfric Nomaly
Nicknames Two-Face
Born May 11, 1999
Died N/A
Species Human
Planet Earth
Hair Color Green (Right)
Brown (Left, beard)
Eye Color Brown
Powers Transformations (via Simplicitrix)
Fourth Wall Awareness (Alan)
Weaknesses Multiple Personalities
Debut TBA

Two-Face is a chaotic neutral Al-Ternate.


Two-Face has the appearance of Alan. However, the entire left half of his body is colored to match Richard.


At some point in their timestream, an alternate Alan and Richard fought using Clockwork and Upgrade, respectively. As Upgrade, Richard fused with with Alan, attempting to gain control over him. However, their Simplicitrixes simultaneously timed out while they were fused, causing them to transform into a fusion of one another. This fusion was dubbed Two-Face by Alan's associates.

Two-Face set up for the evil Al-Ternates to meet and try to destroy the good Al-Ternates.


Two-Face has the personalities of both Alan and Richard, and the two are constantly fighting one another for control of the entire body.


  • Two-Face has the ability to transform using their Simplicitrix. When transforming into aliens, the aliens follow suit with Two-Face's appearance, having Alan's appearance on the left, and Richard's on the right. When an alien has the Simplicitrix on their line of symmetry, such as Clockwork or Upgrade, the Simplicitrix's right half is black with a red core, and the left is blue with an aqua core, suggesting the Simplicitrixes have fused as well.
    • If Alan and Richard disagree on which alien to use, they will be transformed into a fusion of each alien they want to use.
  • Two-Face has the ability of fourth wall awareness, however, only Alan's side can do it.

Known Aliens[]

In Two-Face's reality, Alan and Richard started with two different sets of ten. When they become Two-Face, they have access to both sets, giving them a set of 20.

Alan's Set[]

  • Acid Reflex
  • Alanyze
  • Clockwork
  • Gyrobot
  • Horrorscope
  • Igknight
  • Megalodine
  • Penjectile
  • Preying Mantis
  • TenTen

Richard's Set[]


  • The two personalities of Two-Face are constantly fighting each other, and this can sometimes lead to them trying to battle each other when they need to battle someone else.


  • Two-Face is named after and inspired by the DC character, Two-Face.
  • Two-Face's appearance, being Alan with the colors of Richard on his left side, is meant to resemble what they looked like just before becoming fused. When Upgrade fuses with something, he takes on the form of that thing with his own pattern applied, as is the case with Clockwork. When the Simplicitrix timed out, Upgrade (Richard) was still on Clockwork (Alan), but only on the left side, causing the appearance of Two-Face.
