Steamers Wiki
Player Score
Alan ???
WTB 1500
Jay 500

400: Name three of the codes used for the Bandai DNA lab, and which aliens they are associated with. 400: Name all of Goop's Season 3 appearances. (Include specifics regarding person using him, accidentals, etc.) 400: Which aliens have been featured in video games?
500: Including repeat transformations, what is the alien usage order in Back with a Vengeance? (i.e., if the question were about the episode Hunted, you would write the answer as Diamondhead, Ghostfreak, Diamondhead, Grey Matter). 500: Which Forever Knight was meant to slay the Dragon? 500: On iTunes, there are 5 icons for each of the 5 volumes for Ultimate Alien. What aliens appear in each of the icons? 500: What is the order Ben uses his aliens whilst holding the power of the Big Bang? 500: Which aliens have some form of accent, and what accents are they?

Showdown Question
Name all characters that are the same species as Ben's unlocked transformations. (Hybrid characters count)

300: Season 1 has Heatblast (icon only), Season 2 has Cannonbolt and Ghostfreak, Season 3 has Blitzwulf and Upchuck, Season 4 has Way Big and Ditto
400: BRIC (Wildmutt), NORI (Four Arms), WJAS (XLR8), FUNA (Upgrade), TAKI (Diamondhead), QGHQ (Ripjaws), AVAL (Stinkfly), RSAM (Ghostfreak), KENM (Heatblast), SWOR (Cannonbolt), RAME (Wildvine), YPET (Blitzwulf), ANSN (Snare-Oh), PKMN (Frankenstrike), BAFA (Upchuck), MURA (Gwen), AKEC (Vilgax) 400: Fool's Gold, Simple, Vreedle Vreedle, Singlehanded, In Charm's Way (selected alien was Way Big), Above and Beyond, Primus (Vilgax), Vengeance of Vilgax Part 2 (escaped) 400: XLR8, Snare-Oh, Stinkfly, Wildmutt, Upgrade, Ultimate Swampfire, Ditto, Ghostfreak, Way Big, Terraspin, Eye Guy, Ultimate Humungousaur, Ultimate Spidermonkey, NRG, AmpFibian, Ultimate Big Chill, Goop, Chromastone, Buzzshock, Cannonbolt, Four Arms, Echo-Echo, Rath, Grey Matter, Diamonhead, Lodestar, Upchuck, Spidermonkey, Big Chill, Water Hazard, Heatblast, Swampfire, Nanomech, Ultimate Echo-Echo, Wildvine, Brainstorm, Humungousaur, Jetray, Arctiguana, Ultimate Cannonbolt, Blitzwulf, Alien X, Ripjaws, Armodrillo, Frankenstrike 400: Wildmutt, Four Arms, XLR8, Diamondhead, Heatblast, Cannonbolt, Wildvine, Upchuck, Eye Guy, Way Big, Arctiguana, Goop, Swampfire, Chromastone, Big Chill, Humungousaur, Brainstorm, Jetray, Spidermonkey, Echo-Echo, Alien X, Lodestar, Rath, Water Hazard, Terraspin, NRG, Armodrillo, AmpFibian, Fasttrack, Eatle, Shocksquatch, Feedback, Bloxx, Gravattack, Crashhopper, Astrodactyl, Bullfrag, Ultimate Cannonbolt, Ultimate Swampfire, Ultimate Big Chill, Ultimate Humungousaur, Ultimate Spidermonkey, Ultimate Echo-Echo
500: Upgrade, Grey Matter, Diamondhead, XLR8, Heatblast, Wildvine, Wildmutt, Ripjaws, Stinkfly, XLR8, Wildvine, Four Arms, Wildmutt, Grey Matter, Heatblast, Diamondhead, Heatblast, Grey Matter, Diamondhead, Stinkfly, Four Arms, XLR8, Stinkfly, XLR8, Cannonbolt, Diamondhead, XLR8, Heatblast, Grey Matter, Cannonbolt, XLR8, Four Arms, Wildmutt, Wildvine, Grey Matter, Wildmutt, Grey Matter, Stinkfly, Grey Matter 500: Connor 500: Ultimate Humungousaur, Ultimate Big Chill, Ultimate Spidermonkey, Rath, Echo Echo 500: Feedback, Four Arms, Ripjaws, Heatblast, Wildmutt, Diamondhead, XLR8, Grey Matter, Stinkfly, Upgrade, Ghostfreak, Cannonbolt, Wildvine, Blitzwulf, Perk Upchuck, Ditto, Eye Guy, Way Big, Swampfire, Echo-Echo, Humungousaur, Big Chill, Chromastone, Brainstorm, Spidermonkey, Goop, Alien X, Lodestar, Rath, Nanomech, Water Hazard, AmpFibian, Armodrillo, Terraspin, NRG, Clockwork, Shocksquatch, Eatle, Jury Rigg, Bloxx, Gravattack, Crashhopper, Ball Weevil, Walkatrout, Pesky Dust, Mole-Stache, The Worst, Kickin Hawk, Toepick, Astrodactyl, Bullfrag, Atomix, Gutrot, Whampire, Feedback 500: OV Wildvine (Hippie accent), OV Snare-Oh (Egyptian accent), OV Way Big (Japanese accent), OV Arctiguana (Jamaican accent), UAF Brainstorm (British accent), OV Rath (Mexican accent), NRG (Russian accent), ChamAlien (German accent), Clockwork (German accent) OV Shocksquatch (Canadian accent), Mole-Stache (British accent), Bullfrag (Stallone accent), Gutrot (Boston accent), Whampire (Romanian accent)

Showdown Question
Looma, Gar, Gorvan, Kolar, Tini, Bahrvad, Manny, Azmuth, Albedo, Zennith, Retaliator, Blukic, Driba, Fergi, Y-it, Chadzmuth, Luhley, Ujin, Duffy, Baz-El, Ship, Malware, K8-E, ML-E, N-8, N-D, E-N, DJ, T8-M, Helen, Tetrax, Magister Patelliday, Magister Pyke, Buzz, Zs'Skayr, Zs'iza, Zs'oise, Alan, Pax, Yenaldooshi, Crujo, The Mummy, Kuphulu, Dr. Viktor, Sergeant Cookmeister, Sergeant Cast Iron, Private Brownbag, Queen Voratia Rumbletum, Plen Stroff, Swamps, Sugilite, Fridge, Hugh, Suemungousaur, Dr. Psychobos, Proctor Servantis, Swift, Simian, Haplor, Mizaru, Starbeard, Decoy Queen, Elena, Vexx, Malice, Bivalvan, Galapagus, P'andor, Leander, Andreas, Ra'ad, Maltruant, Prisoner 775, Subdora, Yetta, Grick, Grack, Gil Steptoe, Lillimusha DiForestini, Jerry, She-Worst, Blue-Worst, Green-Worst, Purple-Worst, Violet-Worst, Slim-Worst, Pink-Worst, Orange-Worst, Liam, Attea, Milleous, Sangfroid, Frolic, Rana, Glorff, Lord Transyl